R12.2 Blogs

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December 2024 - In Whose Image

This month’s blog comes from our brother and friend in the Atlanta area, Allen Cheatham. The Book of Psalms is among his current studies in God’s Word. Recently, Allen was struck with the implication of Psalms 50:17-21. The middle phrase in verse 21, “You thought that I was just like you;” is the impetus for the title of the blog. We encourage you to prayerfully read the attached piece and consider what the Holy Spirit places on your heart.

We trust you will find this blog to be challenging as well as encouraging. Remember, if you feel led to write a future blog, or if you have feedback on these monthly writings, please contact Arthur Corbin (acorbin@gasauthority.com) or Chris Strippelhoff (chris.strippelhoff@gmail.com).

n His name,

Arthur, Bob, Chris & Steve

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