R12.2 Blogs

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February 2024 - Follow Me


One of the most frequent phrases, and a repeated refrain in the message of Jesus, is “Follow Me”. If Jesus thought that it was necessary to repeat this phrase over and over during His earthly ministry, then we would be well served to do some due diligence on what is meant by this important statement. Since this is such an all-encompassing topic, with far reaching implications for all believers, the objective of this short blog is simply to encourage all of us to dig deeper into what Jesus meant when He said: “Come, follow Me.”

Our dear brother from the west coast, Skip Tschantz graciously contributed the attached for our February blog. Our sincere thanks to Skip for his faithful support of this effort. As we endeavor to grow in Christ together, please give this your full attention and consideration and share your thoughts with us.
Remember, if you feel led to write a future blog, or if you have feedback on these monthly writings, please contact Arthur Corbin (acorbin@gasauthority.com) or Chris Strippelhoff (chris.strippelhoff@gmail.com).

In His name,

Arthur, Bob, Chris & Steve

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